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Project 1.03: Atmospheric and Oceanic Reference Data and Climate Projections for Coastal and Open Sea Areas

Dr Anette Ganske, BSH,
Tel: +49 (0)40 3190-3271, +49 (0)511 3908-9458,

Dr Sabine Hüttl-Kabus, BSH,
Tel: +49 (0)40 3190-3276,

Dr Nils Schade, BSH,
Tel: +49 (0)40-3190-3270,

Dr Hartmut Heinrich, BSH,
Tel: +49 (0)40/3190-3200,

Dipl.-Met. Gudrun Rosenhagen, DWD

Dr Katharina Bülow, BSH
Tel: +49 (0)40-3190-3277,


The objective of this project is the development of a comprehensive reference database for the evaluation and assessment of climate changes and their impact on maritime navigation, coasts and ports, and to make this data available for subsequent projects. Meteorological, oceanographic and ecosystem-related reference data sets are to be compiled as a standard of comparison for observed and projected changes. The selection of suitable regional models and the creation of the necessary model data basis for describing possible future climatic conditions are also planned. A further component will be the compilation of the current international state of knowledge. To achieve this, wide research is planned in international literature and in the projects and results of current and completed projects at national and European level.

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