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Project 3.02: Adaptation options for waterways and ports at the German coast and for coastal protection in extreme weather events

Fred Hesser, BAW,
Tel. +49 (0) 40/81908-323,

Ingrid Holzwarth, BAW,
Tel. +49 (0) 40/81908-425,

Dr Elisabeth Rudolph, BAW,
Tel. +49 (0) 40/81908-361,

Annette Büscher, BAW,
+49 (0)40/81908-345,

Dr Aissa Sehili, BAW,
Tel. +49(0)40/81908-416,

Dr Guntram Seiß, BAW
Tel. +49(0)40/81908-358,

Dr Rita Seiffert, BAW,
Tel. +49(0)40/81908-445,

Dr Norbert Winkel, BAW,
Tel. +49 (0) 40/81908-325,


In this project options for adaptation to the impact of climate change are developed in cooperation with the local Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration. These options for adaptation, deduced from results of Project 2.04, will consider both constructional as well as operational measures. Their impact will be demonstrated both for typical and for extreme conditions.

Selected options for adaptation will be implemented in the numerical models. New simulations will then test the effectiveness of these options for adaptation and the potential for optimisation will be defined. Options for adaptation which are developed in other projects can also be taken into account and studied with regard to their impact on the hydrodynamic system and the transport behaviour of sediments. This project in combination with project 2.04 provides the physical elements for vulnerability studies and for the development of creative adaptation strategies.

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